Write your first Fe contract

Now that we have the compiler installed let's write our first contract. A contract contains the code that will be deployed to the Ethereum blockchain and resides at a specific address.

The code of the contract dictates how:

  • it manipulates its own state
  • interacts with other contracts
  • exposes external APIs to be called from other contracts or users

To keep things simple we will just write a basic guestbook where people can leave a message associated with their Ethereum address.

Note: Real code would not instrument the Ethereum blockchain in such a way as it is a waste of precious resources. This code is for demo purposes only.

Create a guest_book.fe file

Fe code is written in files ending on the .fe file extension. Let's create a file guest_book.fe and put in the following content.

contract GuestBook {
  messages: Map<address, String<100>>

Here we're using a map to associate messages with Ethereum addresses. The messages will simply be a string of a maximum length of 100 written as String<100>. The addresses are represented by the builtin address type.

Execute ./fe build guest_book.fe to compile the file. The compiler tells us that it compiled our contract and that it has put the artifacts into a subdirectory called output.

Compiled guest_book.fe. Outputs in `output`

If we examine the output directory we'll find a subdirectory GuestBook with a GuestBook_abi.json and a GuestBook.bin file.

├── fe
├── guest_book.fe
└── output
    └── GuestBook
        ├── GuestBook_abi.json
        └── GuestBook.bin

The GuestBook_abi.json is a JSON representation that describes the binary interface of our contract but since our contract doesn't yet expose anything useful its content for now resembles an empty array.

The GuestBook.bin is slightly more interesting containing what looks like a gibberish of characters which in fact is the compiled binary contract code written in hexadecimal characters.

We don't need to do anything further yet with these files that the compiler produces but they will become important when we get to the point where we want to deploy our code to the Ethereum blockchain.

Add a method to sign the guest book

Let's focus on the functionality of our world changing application and add a method to sign the guestbook.

contract GuestBook {
  messages: Map<address, String<100>>

  pub fn sign(mut self, ctx: Context, book_msg: String<100>) {
      self.messages[ctx.msg_sender()] = book_msg

In Fe, every method that is defined without the pub keyword becomes private. Since we want people to interact with our contract and call the sign method we have to prefix it with pub.

Let's recompile the contract again and see what happens.

Failed to write output to directory: `output`. Error: Directory 'output' is not empty. Use --overwrite to overwrite.

Oops, the compiler is telling us that the output directory is a non-empty directory and plays it safe by asking us if we are sure that we want to overwrite it. We have to use the --overwrite flag to allow the compiler to overwrite what is stored in the output directory.

Let's try it again with ./fe build guest_book.fe --overwrite.

This time it worked and we can also see that the GuestBook_abi.json has become slightly more interesting.

    "name": "sign",
    "type": "function",
    "inputs": [
        "name": "book_msg",
        "type": "bytes100"
    "outputs": []

Since our contract now has a public sign method the corresponding ABI has changed accordingly.

Add a method to read a message

To make the guest book more useful we will also add a method get_msg to read entries from a given address.

contract GuestBook {
  messages: Map<address, String<100>>

  pub fn sign(mut self, ctx: Context, book_msg: String<100>) {
      self.messages[ctx.msg_sender()] = book_msg

  pub fn get_msg(self, addr: address) -> String<100> {
      return self.messages[addr]

However, we will hit another error as we try to recompile the current code.

Unable to compile guest_book.fe.
error: value must be copied to memory
  ┌─ guest_book.fe:10:14
8 │       return self.messages[addr]
  │              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this value is in storage
  = Hint: values located in storage can be copied to memory using the `to_mem` function.
  = Example: `self.my_array.to_mem()`

When we try to return a reference type such as an array from the storage of the contract we have to explicitly copy it to memory using the to_mem() function.

Note: In the future Fe will likely introduce immutable storage pointers which might affect these semantics.

The code should compile fine when we change it accordingly.

contract GuestBook {
  messages: Map<address, String<100>>

  pub fn sign(mut self, ctx: Context, book_msg: String<100>) {
      self.messages[ctx.msg_sender()] = book_msg

  pub fn get_msg(self, addr: address) -> String<100> {
      return self.messages[addr].to_mem()

Congratulations! You finished your first little Fe project. 👏 In the next chapter we will learn how to deploy our code and tweak it a bit further.