
Fe divides keywords into two categories:

Strict keywords

These keywords can only be used in their correct contexts. They cannot be used as the identifiers.

KW_AS : as
KW_BREAK : break
KW_CONST : const
KW_CONTINUE : continue
KW_CONST : contract
KW_FN : fn
KW_ELSE : else
KW_ENUM : enum
KW_EVENT : event
KW_FALSE : false
KW_FOR : for
KW_IDX : idx
KW_IF : if
KW_IN : in
KW_LET : let
KW_MATCH : match
KW_MUT : mut
KW_NONPAYABLE : nonpayable
KW_PAYABLE : payable
KW_PUB : pub
KW_RETURN : return
KW_REVERT : revert
KW_STRUCT : struct
KW_TRUE : true
KW_USE : use
KW_WHILE : while
KW_ADDRESS : address

Reserved keywords

These keywords aren't used yet, but they are reserved for future use. They have the same restrictions as strict keywords. The reasoning behind this is to make current programs forward compatible with future versions of Fe by forbidding them to use these keywords.

KW_ABSTRACT : abstract
KW_ASYNC : async
KW_AWAIT : await
KW_DO : do
KW_EXTERNAL : external
KW_FINAL : final
KW_IMPL : impl
KW_MACRO : macro
KW_OVERRIDE : override
KW_PURE : pure
KW_STATIC : static
KW_SUPER : super
KW_TRAIT : trait
KW_TYPE : type
KW_TYPEOF : typeof
KW_VIEW : view
KW_VIRTUAL : virtual
KW_WHERE : where
KW_YIELD : yield